the world around us.

in shaping and improving

to be involved

Every girl deserves

We work to support the advancement of women and girls in the fields of science and technology.

Is there anything wrong with dreaming big?

Definitely not. Yet, girls rarely dream of being computer scientists, physicists, or space researchers.

This is what NaTE can help with. The world is full of captivating stories of women, and it is our job to share these stories with the next generation.

The careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are unbelievably beautiful and exciting, and we would like to show young girls all the possibilities inherent in these careers.

In Numbers

13 500 girls

have been inspired towards STEM fields by NaTE

87 %

of our high school student ambassadors continue their studies in STEM

800 teachers

are in direct contact with us

190 companies, universities and research institutes

have joined our programs so far

4 regional centers

in the country

40 towns

have hosted our programs

30 successful proposals

20 national and 10 international

What can you do?

Media Appearances

„Every girl deserves to take part in creating the technology that will change our world and change who runs it.”

– Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Children’s rights activist

Our Story

The Nature Award-winning Association of Hungarian Women in Science (NaTE) was established in 2008 by only 10 female researchers. In a unique way in Hungary, we started or work with the aim of ensuring that the achievements of both sexes are equally recognized in the field of science and technology. We imagine a world where only true professional competence matters and acknowledgement is not gender-specific.

Initially, we provided a forum for experienced female professionals who had already been working in a field of science, then we gradually started to reach out to young people, as well. This is how Girls’ Day came into being in 2012, followed by a number of other initiatives, such as the Shadowing programs, the SCIndicator competition and the Smartiz program.

We have been working for more than ten years to support women and girls in their careers in science and technology. We had a dreamlike growth. With never-ending enthusiasm, joy and, of course, professionalism, we have helped thousands of young people and adults so far.

Our Vision

We want to live in a world that recognizes and integrates the knowledge of both sexes equally in the processes of social and technological innovation.

Our Mission

Is there anything wrong with dreaming big? Definitely not. Yet, girls rarely dream of being computer scientists, physicists, or space researchers. This is what NaTE can help with. The world is full of captivating stories of women, and it is our job to share these stories with the next generation. The careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are unbelievably beautiful and exciting, and we would like to show young girls all the possibilities inherent in these careers.

We want to live in a world…

    • In which it is obvious to all that women and men have equally valuable skills.
    • Where women have the opportunity to complete challenging and interesting tasks. to achieve professional fulfilment and work-life balance.
    • Where women can be assured that their success depends only on their abilities, knowledge, ideas and diligence.
    • In which young girls experience at school how boundless our world is, and, instead of trying to please other people, they strive to find their own identity.
    • In which employers take upon themselves to broaden the perspectives for young people.
    • Where the international press praises loudly Hungary’s achievements in the fields of science and innovation.

Who We Are?

Every girl deserves to participate in shaping and improving the world around us.

NaTE is working to provide girls with tools and opportunities which enable them to do so.

Our definite goal is that young people move boldly and confidently towards STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

We help them along this way by presenting female role models, carrying out community building activities, and offering mentoring as well as special sessions.

We consider it important that when selecting the field they want to pursue in their further studies, they make decisions based on their own experiences and inclinations, instead of trying to meet social or family expectations.

Our activities range from research work to creative event organization and science communication, which would not be achievable without our partners.

Our Team

Our hardworking and passionate team may be small, but our reach could be big. From time to time there are opportunities for freelancers, contractors to come on board and help us to do great things.


Our Partners

The network of our partners and donors helps us to make difference. We are fortunate to have many like-minded partners behind us on this path.


Want to partner with us?

Our Programs

Hungarian Girls’ Day

When previously unknown labyrinths can be explored. The country’s most inspiring companies, universities and research institutes throw their doors wide open to girls from upper elementary school and high school, making the idea of science, technology and engineering professions tangible.


Our Job-Shadowing Program supports high school and college girls in their career choices. As part of the program, participants can spend an entire day at a host company or research institute, and can also follow a full-time employee working there as a shadow. Girls will have the opportunity for casual conversations, learn about different career paths, and get first-hand information about future-oriented professions.

Network of Ambassadors

Our ambassadors are young girls attending high school or college who are not only interested in the natural sciences, but are also happily and actively involved in promoting science and technology. We created our network to show the excitement and beauty of a career in engineering or IT to as many female students as possible. We help them to find and develop their strengths.


Smartiz is a free development and education program for girls in 10th grade, focusing primarily on math and digital, including basic coding skills development through state-of-the-art pedagogical tools. Weekly courses are spanning the entire school year. Participants also receive individual and career-orienting group mentoring, and participate in team building and personal development sessions.

Teachers’ Day

The aim of our program is to give teacher a taste of the world of engineering, IT, and other future-oriented professions on a day held specifically for teachers, science educators, and form masters. This personal experience can later be an important aid in guiding the pupils.

Informal Parent Meetings

How about an unusual parent – teacher conference where the topic is not the behaviour of the class or the unpaid class money, but the improvement of the children? This is an event about how you can help your child succeed in the technological and scientific fields among many others.


SCIndicator is the country’s very first science communication mentoring program to support young researchers in developing their communication skills. We build a community where we provide space for knowledge, inspiration and creativity – a community that facilitates connection to science and also strengthens communication and transition between different disciplines.

Women in Science and Technology Award of Excellence

Award is granted year after year to young female researchers who are active participants in the scientific life of the country and achieve outstanding results in their professional field. It is an important condition for the winners to feel at home in the promotion of science and technology careers among young girls, and to serve as role models for the next generations.

Explore Upcoming Events


International projects



Gender inequality is a major barrier in the R&I area that limit the capabilities and capacities of research performing institutions (RPOs). Across the EU, the development of Gender Equality Plans (GEP) intends to address the problems at RPOs; however, the variability in capability, capacity, and expertise hinder the efficient implementation of the institutional GEPs. GE issues in the STEM fields are well known and specific action plans have been developed. Meanwhile, STEM fields are also not homogenous, and within STEM, agriculture and life-science focused RPOs face very similar problems, but they lack sector-specific measures and mitigation plans. Furthermore, in the field of agriculture, many university students come to EU research and education institutions from developing countries where there is a marked sector-specific gender imbalance.

EXPAND project


The project EXPAND tackles gender norms and stereotypes using Human Rights Education as an approach. The project sets the course for a new approach, and designs and delivers activities, which will change the narrative. Therefore, it aims to expand young people’s opportunities to gender-atypical occupations. The target groups are young people and adults around them.
The program provides alternative gender models at three levels of education: preschool, elementary school, and secondary school.
The project EXPAND aims to reach the following objectives (1) eliminate gender-based stereotypes (2) promote a counter-narrative to the traditional family roles (3) create opportunities for teachers to deconstruct gender norms (4) support children in recognizing gender norms and their effect from an early age (5) promote gender equality in political and economic decision making.
Co-funded by the European Union.

Researchers’ Night

since 2016

The European Researchers’ Night, funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, is a Europe-wide public event that brings researchers closer to the public. The European Researchers’ Night showcases the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives, stimulating interest in research careers – particularly among young people. In 2019, it attracted 1.6 million visitors across more than 400 cities in Europe and beyond.



CSI-COP (Citizen Scientists Investigating Cookies and App GDPR compliance) is a research and innovation consortium with 11 project partners from 10 EU Member States and Associated Countries. The 30-month project started in January 2020 and will leverage citizen science in collaboration with a transdisciplinary team to investigate tracking-by-default in website cookies (small text files) and smartphone apps.



The main objective of the EFFORTI (Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in R&I) project, implemented in a European Union consortium, has been to provide a set of indicators to measure how equal opportunities initiatives affect the R&D and innovation system.

The project has provided decision-makers, evaluators and program managers with an online toolkit that shows which indicators can be used to plan and measure the short- and long-term impact of each equal opportunities initiative.

I Plan: smartfuture for girls


We launched this project with the support of AAUW (American Association of University Women) and Arconic Foundation. The two-years project aimed at initiating regional networking in the city of Székesfehérvár, Hungary for improving participation of girls and young women in STEM education and STEM professions.

In order to achieve this goal, the project launched a shadowing campaign for female students aged 12-18, which included a one-day job shadowing at local STEM enterprises. The other elements of the program (the gala, camp, Smartfuture Day) served to deepen shadowing experiences, to celebrate the participants and their efforts as well as partners’ collaboration and motivate female students to engage and persist in STEM studies.

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